Double Hill
Shanti reports…
Another adventure in the life of a mountain dog. We headed down to Double Hill Run Road in search of the easement access to Double Hill. The double hills were easy enough to see, but even with the target in sight the start point was elusive.
So elusive that we parked at the “obvious” spot, walked a short way and then returned to the car. Whaaaatttt? Over two hours in the car for 10 minutes on the track?
Mum was sure it couldn’t be the right track and was also worried about a sign advising about a 1080 application.
That meant that when we did find the more likely start (it was third time lucky) us dogs were kept on the lead for the whole trip - but wow - the scenery made up for it.
Route finding was the biggest challenge, but we turned at the last fence, and navigated through stock-free paddocks along the ridge to the water tank we’d seen in several other people’s Mountain Dog Challenge photos.
Another mountain mission accomplished. Below are some of the photos.