Heli Hill revisit

Mum discovered my WTF face. The day after our 18km+ walk to Seagull Lake we were up early and packing for another trip. Plus it was llliterally freezing outside. It was a record minus 7 when we started the walk. MINUS SEVEN! The goal was Helicopter Hill.

We did the reverse of our very first group trip up here, going up the Mistletoe Track to Lyndon Saddle then to the top, then back down to the Craigieburn Edge Track and back to the car via Sidle 73. There wasn’t as much snow as we had expected. It had melted quite a bit since the previous days photos that Mum had seen online.

We popped out on the top to light snow. Us dogs got water and treats and I enjoyed what has become my routine summit back scratch while the humans sipped on coffee and thawed out in the sun. Then it was time to head back to the car.


Mt Lyndon


Lake Emily to Seagull Lake