Manuka Hut revisited
Shanti reports…
Mirjam and Scruff missed our previous trip that included Manuka Hut. That was today’s mission so they could tick it off. The humans have set toilet stops (something about morning coffee that I don’t undersand) and we have to wait for them - pffft.
What is this toilet stop business? Can we get to the start of our walk, please.
This turned out to be another pack training trip - and another very windy trip. We set off from the farm gate and we were off lead at Lake Emily within an hour. It wasn’t as muddy as last time and the humans were happy about that.
For the return trip we decided to see what the cycle and horse track was like, following the Stour River further down before turning and gentle climb up before descending down to Lake Emily again. It added a few kilometres to the walk.
It was blowy when we started, and really windy by the time we headed back. Coming down the valley from Manuka Hut the wind was at our backs, but climbing out the Stour River Valley and down to the lake and then the car was all into a head wind.
Mum and Mirjam were over the wind by the end, but it was still a good trip.