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Mt Oxford

Shanti reports…

This trip was a bit of an epic one, according to our humans, but I’m really not sure what all the fuss is about. I guess it helps to have a furry coat to keep you warm.

Anyway we set off in the rain. I love wet trips ‘cos I get quite hot in my curly coat and rain makes it all pleasantly cool.

There’s a fairly long and steep section in the forest. After about an hour or so you get above the treeline. It’s still pretty steep going.

One problem with rainy trips, though - no view.

Once we got above the treeline the wind seemed to pick up. The higher we climbed, the worse it got. Our humans were complaining about the wind chill.

They stopped at the top for a quick lunch but they only got colder and colder. Eventually they decided to retreat to the shelter of the trees and have lunch there.

On the way back down.

This was the best and probably only view to be had - but I had an awesome day. Another mountain dog challenge tick.