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Powder hound

Shanti reports…

Mum’s got this thing about getting fit to do a multi-day hike with a heavy backpack and I get to go along for the walk. Odd behaviour, but I’m not going to complain about walks (although it is true that I’d rather play ball or frisbee if given the choice).

So today was a mission on Mt Richardson. Humans laden with packs had two hours to get up as far as they could before returning to the car. There was a T’ai Chi class to get back in time for. And I’m partial to T’ai Chi classes because I get to play ball there.

Mt Richardson is pretty steep and Mum was huffing and puffing at the back of the human pack - but there was snow to keep her motivated and going. The longer we walked the more the human pack spread out. That made it pretty hard training for me.

Of course, I had to be with my friends at the front, but I also had to drop back to check up on Mum every now and then. Call it herding instinct, doggie love, or she who carries treats. Whatever…

Light snow in the trees. Here I’ve done one of many triple journeys (there, back and there again) to check up on Mum.
And again. You still coming, Mum?
Finally the lead humans turned at two hours and the pack was reunited. I had less running to do and could enjoy being a powder hound in the deeper snow areas.
On the way down. Doesn’t that look amazing? It was a pretty cool training trip in my opinion.