Tent camping
Yesterday afternoon Mum started packing - with the pack in the car, I was there and waiting too…
Turns out this was a trip of firsts and surprises. I had my own backpack to carry and spent my first night out in a tent. I also had my own sleeping bag, but it was far too hot for that with my thick coat.
Anyway… we drove to the Hakatere Conservation Park and took a new road. When Mum saw this sign (it says Te Araroa with a small Lake Emily beneath it) she turned off. The start of the 4x4 only part of the road was rutted and muddy. Mum’s car isn’t really a 4x4 - it does have 4-wheel drive, but very little clearance - so we parked at the start of the 4x4 track and walked.
The first part of the track, until you reach the gate and DoC sign at Lake Emily is farmland - and dogs on leash. But once we got through the gate I was free to run around more.
We left home at 2pm and started on the trail at a little bit before 4.30pm. Mum was hoping it would be cooler by then, but it was pretty hot.
This is me with my backpack. It has been sitting in the cupboard for almost a year. I guess this trip has been an intention for a while.
Leading the way on the 4x4 track. This was after the muddy, rutted section. The rest of the track was mostly in good condition.
It wasn’t long before Lake Emily came into view. It was hot and I was hoping for a swim to cool down. Mum took my backpack off in anticipation, but the approach to the lake was in shoulder-high grass and bog. (Sound familiar?). After about 15 minutes we gave up and spent another 15 regaining the trail, feeling hotter and more tired for the effort.
Mum must have felt sorry for me, ‘cos she carried my backpack the rest of the way.
On the far side of Lake Emily, you join the TA trail, which becomes a single footpath marked with poles with orange tops. The route climbs over the first hillock and drops down in the river valley on the other side. Here the route joins up with another 4x4 track to Stour Valley, but the path only gets close to the river at our destination - Manuka Hut.
This is the valley we followed to Manuka Hut.

Pretty cool, huh? Only I didn’t stay long. Tents were still a little new and scary…

I was a little worried about dinner, but Mum pulled a food bag with my usual fare out of my backpack. I enjoyed my meal while Mum set up camp. I was fairly content just to laze near the tent, but after Mum had eaten we went on a stroll to Manuka Lake.
We couldn’t get close but most of it looks dried up - being the end of summer. I did get close to a hare though. I chased it back, right in front of Mum. She didn’t even try to help me catch it. I was pretty disappointed.
Mum fired up her scary gas cooker for a cuppa and we watched the sunset. When bedtime arrived I was quite content to lie outside, but Mum insisted that I get into the tent.
It felt very restricted and at first, but I eventually settled. Mum left the flysheet open for me - until I tried to barge through the door to get at a creature fossicking about outside. I got scolded and the flysheet was zipped up too. Just as well. I slept better that way (and it was warmer for Mum).
Me in my preferred spot - outside!
The best sunset photo
Proof - me in a tent. Yes! Mum remembered my bed-time treats - and I gave her a kiss!
We were up at sunrise…
We were on the trail by 7am and back at the car just before 9am to avoid the heat - it was just over a 6.5km walk. I carried my pack all the way back. I’m pretty proud of myself. I did miss my morning milk, but Mum stopped at Mt Somers and bought me some - I’m sure it tasted better than usual!
Below are some photos of the walk back.

P.S. Mum provided even better catering on our second overnight trip - but being the only dog with a pack wasn’t what I considered a fair trade-off for that.