Up the Scree Slope
Today’s mission was to explore the route up Camp Saddle from the Craigieburn Edge Track, heading up the scree slope. We had set out to do this once before, but misty weather saw us continue up to the ski field and end up on Hamilton Peak.
Fortunately the weather was perfect for Plan A, and we were at the signpost for the scree track in a sniff and a trot. The scree slope is steep and our humans found it hard going. Because of the amount of weight on their feet, relative to us dogs, they would slide back down the slope on the scree for every step - ending almost back where they started - while we would happily trot up , down, back up, back down… I think you get the picture.
Although walking uphill in snow is fairly taxing for humans, it was easier to walk up in the snow, than it was to pick the snowfree scree lines. Scruff and I got a lot of sniffing done on the way up, but we got there for lunch.
Our humans discussed whether to head over the ridge and do the traverse to Lydon Saddle that we did a few times in summer, but they decided to head down the same route so Mirjam could get some ice axe and crampon practice in.
The ice axe work entailed our humans lying on the ground in funny positions. We went over to check they were okay, but that elisted a litany of complaints - but we still checked in every time like good dogs.
Self arrest lessons
Our humans walked down the snow-covered scree with crampons on. They sure were a lot faster on the way down. Once we were back on the track we took a quick trip further up the trail, past the baches and to the bottom of the ski field for a quick sniff and nosey before heading back to the car.
We didn’t see another soul the whole day - which is amazing for a Saturday.