Mt Grey (again)
Shanti reports…
The first time we went up Mt Grey for the Mountain Dog Challange we got hopelessly lost before the start. Mum relied on her GPS which took us through stock yards and into a farm. Oopps!
Navigation was perfect for this trip, though - so no unnecessary hanging about in the car before we could hit the trail. Woot.
Our humans like this trail because it has a gentle steady gradient with nothing too steep for two-legged people. Four-legged’s like us dogs don’t find steep hills half as much bother - whether going up or down.
It was a hot day by the time we popped up above the treeline, but it is only about 30 minutes to the summit from there, so not too taxing.
Here we are on the last zig-zags before the summit trig.
Not a bad view at all… and lunch at the top was very scenic.
Here’s the view from the top - and my sage doggy advice is to always stop and smell the roses - er, flowers - well anything and everything really.