Hiking Tails
Adventures on the trail (mostly) with Shanti dog
A very windy Red Hill
Shanti discovers that Mum’s trip to Coleridge Pass was definitely about planning a trip up Red Hill. It was ever so windy, but Shanti found it easier going than the humans did.
A peek at Peak Hill
Shanti stays at home while the team do a non-dog-friendly route up Peak Hill and navigate away from the crowds following the old route back to make a circuit.
False start on Foggy
Mt Lyndon
A quick solo trip (with Shanti) up Mt Lyndon gets a tick of the to-do list and is added to the worth doing again list.
A walk in the swamp
A planned walk around Lake Emma and an unplanned swamp adventure
Camp Saddle to Lyndon Saddle (again)
Liz and I completed this trip about a month earlier when Mirjam and Scruff weren’t available - so we were due for a revisit for a full team tick.
Rabbit Hill (again)
We headed out to revisit Rabbit Hill. This is now part of the Mountain Dog Challenge run by Further Faster, but our original tick for the challenge was Double Hill.
Mystery Lake
We started at the Potts River car park. The route follows the river for a short while before climbing up the bank, and the views just get better and better.
Snow in December
Shanti finds snow on the trip between Camp Saddle and Lyndon Saddle late December - it’s as close as he gets to a white Christmas.
Mt Grey (again)
The first time we went up Mt Grey we got hopelessly lost before the start. Mum relied on her GPS which took us through stock yards and into a farm. Oopps!
Ashley Gorge Waterfall Track
Mum was looking for a walk for us to do on a hot day, so we headed out on our local Waterfall Track at Ashley Gorge. I love, love, love going to the river there, so to be honest I’m always a little disappointed when I discover we’re going walking, not ball chasing at the river - but I do my best to have fun all the same.
Blow hard
We were heading to Mt Thomas for a walk when Liz mentioned that the start of the Blow Hard track was to the left. There was a “Should we?” and a “Why not?” followed by a u-turn and we were off to a different route, heading up Mt Richardson instead.
Old Ghost Road
A summary of our five-day hike on the Old Ghost Road in November 2019. I rate it as one of the best hikes I have done and would do it again at the drop of a hat. If you have the chance to do it, go!
Helicopter Hill (again)
Shanti revisits Helicopter Hill with is mountain dog challenge friends.
No rabbits
Shanti and Scruff explore the route to rabbit hill - and find no rabbits.
Powder hound
Shanti enjoys a short trip to snow level on Mt Richardson
Pinchgut Hut
Mum was on the computer researching nearby places we could walk to for our next adventure and she found one from Loburn, following and crossing rivers for quite a way before branching off to Pinchgut Hut. A fairly ominous name, hopefully not a forboding for gut rot
Mt Isobel
For number ten, our last walk for the mountain dog challenge, we had to drive all the way to Hanmer Springs.
Hogs Back track
This was our first walk from Castle Hill Village. The Hogsback Track is a shared walking and cycling track, with pretty good views for not much effort.
Ryde Falls
A trip to Ryde Falls where Shaz falls too…