Mt Thomas
Oh my goodness. Mum’s gone mad! Today was my third mountain walk in a week.
She’s convinced two friends to join us on the Mountain Dog Challenge - so Maisy and Scruff with Mum’s Liz and Mirjam joined us on a walk up to the top of Mt Thomas on a misty afternoon.
It was great sniffing the trail with friends and playing the pee - over pee game. I quickly figured that if I hung back I could get the last pee, which is the doggy equivalent of getting the last word in. Sorted.
We headed up the Wooded Gully track in the mist. The cool misty air didn’t lift this time and was still pretty foggy at the top.
Here I am in the centre with Mum. Scruff is under the sign and Maisy is next to Mum.
That’s peak number two of the Mountain Dog Challange done and dusted. Phew.