A very windy Red Hill
Shaz reports…
A few weeks after we’d had a look at Red Hill with a trip to Coleridge Pass, we set off to see if we could get to the top. I didn’t really expect to summit as it was very windy - but we did find a way to stay out of the worst of the wind until the very last part!
Mirjam gets the credit for this summit photo of Mum, Scruff, Miasy and Liz. It was sooo windy that the humans struggled to stand and walk. The humans also said it was ffrrrreeeezzzing - we didn’t mind so much. Mum only has a shaky (because of the wind buffets) video from the top.
Views on the way down - looking back the way we’d walked in.
Lake Coleridge on the way down
Scruff and Liz on the way down from 1641m
Photo credit: Mijam. Myself and Liz on the way up. What a shot this one is!
Poor Shanti wasn’t very happy on this trip. The next day he was definitely out of sorts and had a Saturday trip to the vet to discover he had a bladder infection.