Lake Ohau
Shanti reports…
On 21st December 2018 Mum packed the car again. I was worried about going camping again, but Mum had booked a dog-friendly cabin at Lake Ohau. It was super cool and even had hares visiting the garden.
We stayed a couple of nights and enjoyed a few walks along the lakeshore. Mum also took me for a walk long the Parson’s Creek track through some gorgeous forests with rivers and lots of mistletoe. December is the perfect time for mistletoe!
Below are some of the highlights.

We also drove to Omarama for an outing and I got to visit the Clay Cliffs. It’s one of Mum’s favourite places. She likes to collect all sorts of rocks and finds the rocks embedded in the cliffs here really interesting. O thought it was amazing too.
This is my second official adventure dog photo. Mum wouldn’t let me use the one of me enjoying a good roll on the Parson’s Creek track.
Exploring the off the beaten track places at the Clay Cliffs. Mum said the more popular areas where like Piccadilly Circus, whatever that means.
We ended up having to come home a day early from our holiday. I cut a paw quite badly on something chasing sticks into the lake. We’d gone on quite a long walk and I had to limp for about 30 minutes to get to the car. Mum was really worried and upset.
She got the bleeding stopped but decided that it would be best to come home so that she could take me in to the vet for stitches first thing in the morning. She had to keep me still, pack the car, tidy the cottage (it’s called a Bach - not sure why yet) and drive several hours home.
Here I am, still a bit woozy, showing off my bandaged paw. An early Christmas prezzie on 24th December. My timing could have been worse!