Handbrake on Tongariro

Shaz reports…

The Tongariro Crossing had been on my bucket list since moving to New Zealand. It was one I had always hoped to do with Bob, but with the logistics of being on North Island, it always fell lower down our list. So, it became a goal as part of my recovery of myself and fitness post Bob.

I now lacked a ready live-in hiking buddy and was too long out of hiking to think it wise to go solo like my trip to Mueller Hut, so I booked on a guided trip. What could go wrong with that?

It went pretty smoothly, really. I was definitely the team handbrake on the initial climb, fared better than tourists in sneakers, and several others with better gear, in the snow and mountainous section and lagged at the back again (with blistered feet from new boots - my old pair literally fell apart a week before) for the descent.

BUT… my luggage got left off my flight - and arrived at my motel room sometime while I was on the actual crossing. Fortunately, I was wearing my boots on the flight - but just about everything else I was wearing was hastily borrowed.

I’m glad I got to do it with snow. I think it would have been an anti-climax without it. The walk up is spectacular.

The walk down is long and boring, and pretty hard work if you’re not used to 20km days.

Near the start with Mt Ngauruhoe at 2238m in the distance.
Near the start with Mt Ngauruhoe at 2238m in the distance.
Almost down at the Emerald Lakes.
Almost down at the Emerald Lakes.
That’s the highlights well and truly over, but there is another 10km and 2.5 hours to go on sore feet and tired legs.
That’s the highlights well and truly over, but there is another 10km and 2.5 hours to go on sore feet and tired legs.

Here’s a photo gallery with some of the better photos below.


Lake Ohau


My first mountain adventure